
Jessica Sanders
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Jessica was radically saved, healed, and delivered from a 15 year drug addiction. She has been dedicated to following, loving, and growing in her relationship with Jesus ever since. Jessica spent years in Kansas City, Missouri learning and laying a firm foundation in faith based recovery. During this time she learned about personal and emotional growth In Jesus and sponsored many women along the way with a deepening passion for healing ministry.


A few years later, Jessica felt the Lord leading her to move across the country and attend Global School of Supernatural Ministry (GSSM). This ministry training program was an amazing experience where she learned how to walk in a fuller measure of her identity and the gifts of the Spirit. After school, she spent a year interning with a church in practical ministry, and another year serving on the ministry school leadership team for GSSM.


Jessica recently accepted a full-time missionary employment position of Team Director with ConnectUp, an organization that is focused on healing the heart. She loves leading individual sessions for people who are looking for freedom, as well as leading outreach teams to those who are in need of healing. Jessica wholeheartedly believes Jesus desires all to be saved, healed, delivered and set free from the pain and trauma experienced in life.